Contact Details
Nerviënsstraat/Avenue des Nerviens 85, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Please note:
Social Services Europe is an EU-level umbrella organisation of 8 EU-level umbrella organisations, all networks of providers of social services with national members. It comprises Caritas Europa, CEDAG, E.A.N., EASPD, EPR, Eurodiaconia, FEANTSA and the Red Cross EU Office. We are doing policy, advocacy and project work at EU level.
1) SSE does not directly deliver social services, nor can SSE give advice on accessing social services and/or social benefits (cash benefits; tax benefits; benefits in kind) in EU Member States.
2) SSE can also not provide any information - including addresses of competent institutions or contact persons - nor any advice on specific social services in one of the EU Member States. This is outside the scope and mandate of SSE. A useful source of information in this regard is the Mutual Information System on Social Security Schemes (MISSOC) which is available in English, French and German.
3) We are glad to see interest in SSE's work, but we kindly ask you NOT to send requests for internships or jobs to the SSE Secretariat. Should SSE have a job opening, it will be advertised on SSE's webpage.
All requests related to one of the three topics above mentioned cannot and will not be answered. We kindly ask you for your comprehension.