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Technical Guidance on Effective Interventions in Social Services

Brussels, April 2024

The HELPDESK is a 2-years project (May 2022 – April 2024) funded by the European Commission which aims to launch the building blocks for a Social Services Helpdesk. The ultimate goal of this project is to increase the use of ESF+ (European Social Fund Plus) and ERDF (the European Regional Development Fund) funding by social services and to make it easier for social service providers to access these funds.
By launching the building blocks of a Social Services Helpdesk, the projects intends to:

1. Support social services in accessing and using EU funds (ESF+ and ERDF in particular)


2. Help managing authorities use EU funds to finance quality interventions in the field of social services.

SSE has been responsible for all the activities related to the Policy Guidance producing a final document called "Technical Guidance on Effective Interventions for Social Services".

The Technical Guidance on Effective Interventions in Social Services offers a comprehensive toolkit for Managing Authorities (MAs) and social service providers to optimise the utilisation of ESF+ and ERDF resources. This guidance brings together all insights from a rigorous research and consultation endeavour undertaken by the Social Services Helpdesk Project, employing a variety of research methods to explore pertinent questions and challenges within the realm of social service funding and delivery. This document provides an overview of key components and insights aimed at optimising the impact and efficiency of interventions in the realm of social services. Beginning with an exploration of the Social Services Helpdesk Project and the contextual framework of ESF+ and ERDF, the guidance delves into practical challenges and needs faced by MAs and Social Services in effectively leveraging EU funds. By addressing cross-sectoral aspects and fostering social innovation, the guidance aims to facilitate informed decision-making and strategic planning within the social services sector. Furthermore, an assessment of sub-sectoral needs and challenges offers targeted insights into areas such as childcare, disabilities, support and care of older persons, homelessness, and work integration. Through a checklist of considerations and practical steps for MAs and Social Services, accompanied by policy recommendations, this guidance provides a roadmap for enhancing the delivery and impact of social services across the EU landscape. Ultimately, the document concludes with reflections on the importance of collaborative efforts and strategic approaches in advancing social inclusion, cohesion, and well-being within European societies.

You can access the document here


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