Promoting employers' social services in social dialogue
PESSIS+ aims to strengthen the capacity of the Federation of European Social Employers, in view of their participation in European Social Dialogue structures. The project’s main activities will include national events in ten EU Member States to engage with relevant national employers, discussions with trade union organisations in view of setting-up the right structures and research on the state of play of social dialogue structures in social services in 28 EU Member States.
PESSIS+ had 3 main objectives:
Better understanding of Social Dialogues around Europe: By the end of the project, project’s partners had a perspective from 25 EU countries.
To get to know better the work force in Europe and try to find together with EPSU solutions to face the main challenges.
Reinforce the Social Dialogue at both National and European level.
Thanks to PESSIS+, Social Employers gained a better visibility at European level having at present 26 members representing 17 European countries.
Final Results
Seven country studies on the state of play of social dialogue structures in the social services sector in Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta (in original and English language);
A European report to assess the state of play of social dialogue structures in the Personal and Household Services in Europe (in EN);
An updated European report (covering data from 28 Country Reports), bringing together the updated data and conclusions of 28 Country studies on the state of play of social dialogue structures in the social services sector (in EN);
10 National action plans towards involvement of national employers' platforms in ESEN and European Social Dialogue, on the interest of Employers in Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia to participate in ESD (in original and English language);
One European Thematic Agreement on an issue of relevance to Employers and Trade Unions as highlighted in PESSIS III, as agreed the Federation of European Social Employers (in EN, FR, DE, CZ, ES, IT). Efforts will be made to have the European Thematic Agreement, signed by both national Employer organisations and national Trade Unions, represented by EPSU;
A Final Conference will be organised to discuss outcome of Project activities (interpretation in English, French, and German);
A website for the Federation of European Social Employers;
An Internal management Plan, elaboration on the activities of each partner in the project and all other relevant administrative information to ensure the smooth coordination of the project (in English);
A Communication and Dissemination Plan, elaboration on the activities of each partner in the project related to a successful communication of the project's outcomes (in English);
Final Narrative and Financial Reporting to the European Commission (in English);
An evaluation Plan to ensure the quality outcomes of the project activities, as well as the satisfaction of project partners.
10 one-day National events to bring together Employers in Social Services to discuss participation in European Social Dialogue and membership to the Federation of European Social Employers. These events will be held in Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Interpretation in EN and country language;
Three one-day European Thematic Seminars, with the aim of discussion and negotiating a European Thematic Agreement and applying to take part in European Social dialogue structure. Seminars will be in EN, FR, DE languages;
A European meeting between the Federation of European Social Employers, EPSU and other European Employer networks (CEEP, CEMR, HOSPEEM) with the aim of discussion European Social Dialogue structures for social services. Several other formal meetings with other European Employer organisations will also be organised. Seminars will be in EN, FR, DE languages.
A one-day final conference will be organised to discuss outcomes of project, and in particular the outline plan for the creation of an Employers network in the sector. Conference will be in EN, FR, DE languages.
Three project coordination meetings for kick-off, mid-term review and conclusion of project.