On 9 December 2021, the EP Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) with an overwhelming majority voted on a Motion for a European Parliament Resolution aiming at the adoption of a European Statute for cross-border associations and non-profit organisations. Social Services Europe very much welcomes this vote. Annexed to the Draft Report 2020/2026(INL) are two recommendations to the European Commission (EC), a proposal for a Regulation on a statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations, and a proposal for a Directive on common minimum standards for non-profit organisations in the EU.
In the last months, SocialServices Europe (SSE), jointly with other EU-level civil society stakeholders, has closely and intensively accompanied the process towards the drafting of the Report and the elaboration and negotiation of (compromise) amendments up to the vote in the EP JURI Committee.
For Social Services Europe, the text voted by the EP JURI Committee is already good considering the inclusion of nearly all key points supported by our members and as far as the wording goes:
We have listed these issues in the bullet point list in paragraph 3, starting on p. 3. SSE thus believes that all in all neither a re-wording nor additions are needed. We would thus very much encourage you to vote for the text tabled for the EP Plenary on 15 February 2022.
On page 2 of our SSE Position and Briefing Note" we, however, have highlighted two points on which we would like to draw your attention, one addition and one feature of the legislative proposal which for SSE would still benefit from a re-wording.
Social Services Europe is a network of eight European umbrella organisations – comprising Caritas Europa, CEDAG, E.A.N., EASPD, EPR, Eurodiaconia, FEANTSA and the Red Cross EU Office – representing over 200,000 not-for-profit social and health care organisations. We are active in a sector employing over 11 million people, of which about half are employed by social economy organisations. Our national members support millions of people in various stages in life, such as children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, people at risk of or experiencing poverty and social exclusion, people experiencing homelessness, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, LGBTIQ+, and other groups in situations of vulnerability. They offer care, support, guidance, education, and training services, also with the aim to empower the people relying on their support. This is often done through integrated approaches in partnership with public authorities and other service providers. Social services are a core part of national social protection systems and are services of general interest.