Sustainable and Socially Responsible Public Procurement in Europe
Joint Eurodiaconia - SSE Seminar
8 November 2023, 10:00-12:00
Meeting Venue: Bd Charlemagne 28, 1000 Bruxelles

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) has emerged as a crucial tool for fostering inclusive and sustainable development in Europe1. It allows public buyers to strategically deliver positive social outcomes such as promoting employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, users’ rights and their empowerment (e.g., by means of co-production), gender equality and compliance with social rights in the EU while delivering high-quality social services and facilitating social economy organisations and social business access to public tenders.
The following are the primary objectives of the event:
a) Raise awareness among stakeholders regarding the significance of SRPP and its capacity to generate positive social impact also in the social services sector.
b) Knowledge sharing: Facilitate the exchange of best practices, successes, and challenges related to SRPP among practitioners, policymakers, and experts.
c) Policy dialogue: Facilitate a policy dialogue between relevant stakeholders, such as social service providers, public buyers, and local authorities, to debate the best use of reserved contracts and of other tools contained in the EU directive on public procurement to promote SRPP in the field of social services where national legislation foresees the use of public procurement.
You can consult the programme here and the presentations here:
Friederike Mussgnug Presentation